
The funny, entertaining and sometimes quirky Ireland crew's videos... Enjoy!

~ Sep. 4, 2012 ~
Day 1
This video was taken just as we were leaving the airport in our rental van. Funny trivia- Mom was going to drive that first time, so she went over to where the driver's side should be and Aunt Carol went to the "passenger's" side. Aunt Carol ended up driving since she was already in the driver's seat. :)

After we got off the "motorway", we got our first taste of narrow roads, and this one wasn't even as bad as others that we would drive on later! Make sure that you listen to our comments... :)

~ Sep. 8 ~
Day 6
Some more driving videos while staying in Macroom.

~ Sep. 10 ~
While staying at Ballyhannon  Castle, I took the camera on a tour of the castle. Sadly, the video is over 11 minutes long, making it too big to upload to the blog.
Maybe when and if Nate ever gets home, he can help me make it smaller. :)

~ Sep. 11 ~
This video is on the way to the Cliffs of Moher. I'm so glad we got a video of a round about! Actually, there's two round abouts on this video. 

Just a short clip of a section of the Cliffs.

This really short clip was supposed to be of Aunt Carol going down the windy short cut at the Cliffs. Refer to the Sep. 11 post to refresh your memory.

Driving through the city of Ennis on the way back from the Cliffs of Moher.

This dog was wandering around our castle. He really liked Aunt Carol. :)

~Sep. 12~
While driving up to see Kylemore Abbey, we happened upon these beautiful little falls. Of course, we all had to get out to take pictures and videos of it. :)

After we got back from Kylemore Abbey, we drove to see the long awaited Galway Bay. It was more beautiful than we'd ever imagined! Abi and I had prayed months before hand that the weather would be clear and that there would be a gorgeous sunset. God answered our prayers above and beyond what we'd ever expected!

~Sep. 14~
Driving through the Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland...

The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland is magnificent! When we went, the remnants of hurricane  Leslie were hitting the coast so the sea was very turbulent. Wow! Words fail to describe the awesomeness of that wild landscape. The wind wasn't nearly as strong as it was on the Cliffs of Moher, thankfully.

Ok, I take that back about the wind! It was pretty strong, as you can see in this video, though, we were exaggerating just a little. :)

Abi and I walked down a bunch of stairs at Dunluce Castle to take a look around at everything that was available for free since we didn't want to pay to get into the Castle. The wind was a lot stronger there than at the Causeway! Notice the ocean spray on the camera lens? That was blowing all the way up those cliffs!

Driving through this small town was hair raising! Take note, it's a two lane street, with cars parked every which way on both sides. Yeah!

~Sep. 15~

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