Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 13- Sep.15- Greenlands, Lusk, Dublin co.

Burr... It was very cold the day we went to see Newgrange, a Neolithic passage tomb, built around 3200 BC. Archeologists aren't sure exactly what it was built for- a tomb, temple, or religious gathering place.

I don't have a whole lot of historical information on Newgrange, but what I do have, I'll share with you. :)

Arbor Way
Walking into the Newgrange visitor's center.

Brú na Bóinne 
The visitor's center took Heritage cards, so we were able to get in free! It was recommended that we get there early so that we could reserve a place on the bus that transports you to Newgrange before it fills up. When we got there, there was already a long line of people, so we had an hour to wait before our bus left.

Dee Cayed
This was one of the displays at the visitors center. It showed different places that you can look on a skeleton to tell what age the individual was at time of decease, how they died, etc. 

Disc removal from the skull of a live patient with a flint knife. Yuck!

A Little Leaky?
What the people of that time may have lived in.


Suit of Clothes

This boulder would have been about the size of some of the stones that were transported to Newgrange... With no modern equipment!

Archeological Display Site

Suspension Bridge
To get to the bus take off, you had to walk a good clip over paths and this suspension bridge over the Boyne River. Since it was just suspended, the bridge bounced up and down and swayed in the wind as you walked on it. :) 

Boyne River and Valley
Just a side note... In 1690, a famous battle (known as the Battle of the Boyne) was fought in the Boyne Valley near Drogheda, between two rival claiments of the English, Scottish and Irish thrones. 

Newgrange Bus
That's our transport bus!

On the Bus!

Newgrange at last!
I'll explain now what little I do know about the construction of Newgrange. 

Newgrange was built somewhere between 3300-3200 BC, which makes it about 500 years older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Newgrange mound is 39 feet high and covers 1.1 acres of ground. 

In this area of Ireland there are three major passage tombs, Nowth, Dowth, and Newgrange. Geological analysis suggests that much of the stone (around 600 kerbstones) was gathered from a rocky beach near Clogherhead, nearly 13 miles north of Newgrange. These giant stones were most likely transported by sea, then up the River Boyne. They would have had to have landed the stones down river from Newgrange, then transport them up the hill to the work site. Wow! It has been estimated that the Newgrange mound alone has over 200,000 tons of stone and might have taken 400 people 30 years to build. 
Entrance to Newgrange
Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and interesting. We were very fortunate to get such a good one! 

Remains from Ancient Stone Buildings

Hive Hut

This is one of the many decorated kerbstones that surround Newgrange's foundation.
I'm sure you're thinking that I've lost my marbles since I keep spelling curb as kerb, but that's how the Irish spell it. :)

Sweeping View
You can kinda see how high up Newgrange is. Just think about carting 200,000 tons of stone that far!

Celtic Triple Spiral
Notice the three spirals on the large kerbstone? It is unknown exactly what these would have meant to the pagans, but Wikipedia has an interesting article on it if you care to read more. 
Also, pay close attention to the small rectangle opening above the doorway. I'll be talking about that later. :)

Our tour guide warned us that it does get pretty narrow at one part of the passage. She also told us to "mind your heads" when you walk through the doorway. 
Sorry, we weren't allowed to take pictures while inside. I did get one picture offline (below) just to show you what the passage looks like.

                                                    Winter Solstice                   Image credit,
The cruciform shaped inner chamber is at the end of the 60 foot long passage. It is very hard to describe the feeling that floods over you as you touch the same ancient stones and tread the same path that a Neolithic pagan priest may have trod. A truly amazing experience! 
Remember the small opening over the door? Once a year, during the winter solstice, the sun shines directly through that specially contrived 'roof box' above the entrance. Because of the natural slope of the ridge that it sits on, the passage inclines the farther back you go, making it dark enough to be a cave in the inner chamber on any regular day. But, as the sun rises during the solstice, it shines through that opening above the door and is reflected into the inner chamber making a box of light that moves steadily along the floor until it reaches the top of the farthest recess of the inner chamber.
Just think how much forethought, planning, watching, and measuring must have went into that! It is amazing to me how they could have done something so delicate with the little amount of tools that they had. 

Dark Walk
On the way back to the car!

This boat was huge! 

Passenger Boat
This boat was even bigger than the other one. For comparison, look at the little speed boats around it. That thing was huge! If I counted right, it's around 12-13 stories high! 

On the way back to our B&B, we stopped at the city of Swords to get another suitcase for all of our souvenirs. :) It was quite the experience driving around there.  

After resting at the B&B for awhile, we thought that it would be a good idea to find our next place to stay, Mespil Hotel in Dublin, so that we wouldn't have to try to find it the next morning. (You'll learn why we did this in the next post.) :) 
Wow! What a nightmare! We got turned around so many times... But, we did find the hotel, only after driving down a street and alley where a movie was either being filmed or getting ready to be filmed, then coming upon a Garda blocking the very road that we needed to drive down to get to the hotel. How frustrating! Leave it to us to do things like that. :)

Ah... Rest and Relaxation...
Woo! After that harrowing drive through Dublin, we were more than ready to get back and rest. I wrote in my journal, "I'm so looking forward to getting back to nice orderly America, but mostly our lovely state, Iowa!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 12- Sep. 14- Greenlands, Lusk, Dublin co.

We had a lot planned for today... the Giant's Causeway, the Dark Hedges, and Dunluce Castle. 

Follow our LONG day of adventures from the comfort of your own home... :)

Thank you, Gram for supplying me with all of your pictures! :)

Breakfast at Ard Glas
Our hostess set us up for the day with yummy Irish scrabbled eggs, tea, coffee, and lots of hot buttered toast! 

Our hostess had heard TJ. singing and mentioned that he had a beautiful voice. So, Gram asked her if she would like us to sing a song for her. We decided to sing 'When Peace Like a River'. It was always a blessing to be able to witness Christ through our actions, words, singing, and tracts.

It turned out to be a bone chilling damp day.


As we were driving, we started noticing that the road signs were in miles, not kilometers. We had entered the realm of the United Kingdom without realizing it! :)

Dark Hedges
This mysterious avenue of 300 year old beach trees were planted by the Stuart family along their driveway, now Bregagh Road, to impress visitors as they neared the Stuart mansion, Gracehill House.
Yes, we did get lost trying to find them, but here's proof that we did finally get there. :)

The Troop
Here we stand, two centuries after these huge trees were planted. Do we look cold, or what? :)

Watch out!
Running to take pictures before a rainstorm blew in. 

Sweeping Rain
This picture was snapped from under the shelter of my jacket as the rain swept in. You can see it blowing nearly horizontal across the trees.



The fences along the road weren't added till just recently. It kinda ruins the beauty, but it was still all that we'd imagined it to be.

The farmer, in the field just past the trees, was baling hay.

A tractor and grain trailer driving down the narrow Bregagh Rd.

Over the centuries, the branches have intertwined with each other to form a dark and mysterious canopy high overhead.

Our van. :)

'May the Road rise up to meet you...'

We decided that we'd better get pictures of us touching 300 year old trees just in case nobody believed our story. :)



This isn't part of the Dark Hedges, but it is a common sight throughout all Ireland.

Talk about narrow!
This road looks like a nice 2 lane highway, but it's only about 1 1/2 lanes wide without any shoulder. :-/

We took a wrong turn (again) while looking for the Giants Causeway (surprise, surprise) and came upon an out of season abandoned sea side village.

These waves were more than just a surf! They were huge!

Lawn Mower
Back on the road again in search of the elusive Causeway, we saw this funny looking lawn mower.

We finally reached the Giant's Causeway!

Danger: falling rocks
Comforting thought... After paying the admission fee, we headed out. It was very windy with a fitful rain so Gram, Mom and Aunt Carol took a bus that was available. It drove them down this long road to the actual Causeway. TJ., Abi, and I walked. :)




Irish Sea
In this picture, we were about 150-200 ft. away from the ocean. Even though we were so far away, the  crashing waves boomed on your chest like the bass from really loud music. It was incredible!

Towering waves
The next four pictures are a series of the wave above crashing into that cliff.

Unbeknownst to us, we were experiencing the left overs of hurricane Leslie. The ocean was so angry. You really can't tell in the pictures but, I think that some of those waves were a couple stories high.



The angry waters were so agitated that they were creating a thick, dirty looking foam.

Glimpse of the Sun
Notice the white specks by that cliff? That's foam being blown through the air! Remember the series of pictures that I put on? That's the cliff that they were pounding on. You can sort of get an idea of how high those waves were compared to the cliff.


Giant's Causeway!


If you stood at a certain place, the wind would blow foam all over you. :)

Mom and Aunt Carol, standing in the shelter of some huge rocks.

Hold on!
What with a strong wind, wet, slippery rocks, and foam flying through the air, you had to be very careful.

You can see how large the boulders and columns are next to Mom and Gram.

The Causeway was caused, most likely during the flood, through severe volcanic activity, resulting in more that 40,000 basalt, hexagonal columns of varying heights.  You can read more here, but watch out for the references to "millions of years." :)

Gram and Mom

The Pipe Organ
This part of the Causeway is commonly known as, the 'Pipe Organ'.




Thousands of years old...

Dunluce Castle
Dunluce Castle's history began in the 13th century AD and went through a wide variety of hands. The McQuillans were one of the first recorded owners in 1513. In the mid to late 16th century, they lost two major battles with the Clan MacDonnell and Clan MacDonald of Scotland, who took over the castle. Dunluce served as the seat of the Earl of county Antrim until the MacDonalds' pauperization in 1690. At one time during it's inhabitance, part of the kitchen nearest the cliff edge fell off into the sea. As legend has it, only a kitchen boy survived since he was sitting in the corner of the kitchen that didn't collapse. The wife of the owner refused to live in the castle after that incident. I'm sure I don't know why...

Endless Miles of Ocean...
Abi and I walked down some stone steps to the bottom of the cliff underneath Dunluce. The wind was blowing so hard that I had to hang on a couple times for fear of being toppled over. Remember that the wind and rain were remnants of hurricane Leslie, so they were strong!

Watch Tower
Dunluce Castle was a slight let down as you had to pay to get in. We thought that it was a place you could just wander around in without fees and tour guides. Oh, well, we got some good exterior shots.  

That bridge is the only way to reach Dunluce. The rocks are too steep on the sides to try to scale. Those stairs are only about a 1/4 of the number of stairs that we climbed.

Rocky Beach

The wind whipped through this little alcove, situated directly under the bridge, at a very high rate of speed.  


It had started to rain, so we decided to head back. That's no easy task, especially while trying to stay modest with wind whipping your dress and veil every which way. :)

"Sisters, sisters..."
Notice the sign behind us?
'Danger- Falling rocks'

Colossal Waves
That cliff was probably about 300 ft high, so, that can kinda give you an idea of the size of the wave crashing against the cliff.

Slippery Stone Steps
Not only was it raining, but the wind was blowing salt water up on us and our camera. That's not good...

Flower Towers
Back in the van and on our way down south to the Dublin area.

...A tractor merging onto the interstate...

Traffic Jam
I think that this was Cookstown in Northern Ireland.


School Boys
We got a kick out of watching the school boys jack around as they walked home from school.

For you, Rusty and Diana. :)

They had some very interesting landscaping in N. Ireland.

Jesus Said...
This was the only sign in the whole 16 days that we were there that was "Christian." Ireland is a sad country...

Misty Valley

Give Way
That means "Yield."

After a bit of searching, we found Greelands B&B, our next stopping place for two nights. Greenlands is located about 8 miles from Dublin Airport.

Goofing off :)

After resting awhile, everybody was famished, so our hostess told us about a good place to get food. She had a menu for us to look at. Mom, Aunt Carol and Gram went to pick the food up once we'd decided what we wanted. It seemed like it took forever, but they finally got back around 7:30 pm. We hadn't had anything to eat, except granola bars, since breakfast, so we scarfed our orders down double quick! FYI, I had a chicken sandwich with chili and cajun flavored mayo. Wow, was it good! :)